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Sometimes You Have To Say Something


Politics and religion have always had a tricky and complicated relationship to one another. Often times, there are misunderstandings and tension over the conflicts between the church and state. 

However, there are times where we have to speak out. If for no other reason, we speak out to have a clean conscience before our Lord to say: "I tried everything within my power to use my voice for your kingdom even in the realm of politics." As Christians, we will forever be a part of the Kingdom of God, but while we are still waiting for Christ's return; we are also included in the civil realm.  The two realms, while distinct from one another, do interact. In the civil realm we are called to use persuasion and reason to effect change as we work for the good of our neighbor. The church is not meant to control governments, but it is meant to be its conscience. Every Christian has a part to play in this role as we belong to the priesthood of all believers. (1 Peter 2:9) 

Below are two issues that we want you to be informed of, and we have provided a template that you can use to email your state representatives. These templates have been developed by myself and a member of Holy Cross. Please prayerfully consider using your voice to defend every citizen's constitutional right to live according to their faith and also to defend the lives of the unborn.  

Our hope is that the Spirit of God would change the hearts of these leaders so that they repent of leading Minnesota into greater wickedness. Failing that, we at least hope that it reveals to our elected leaders that they are, in fact, going against a sizable portion of their constituents by passing the following policies: the Human Rights Act and the Equal Rights Amendment.

Below are brief summaries of how the two policies will impact religious freedoms and two templates for everyone to mail or email their representatives. 


#1 issue—Human Rights Act 


Historically, Minnesota has placed “protected classes” in the religious exemption clause to avoid infringement of the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution and Article I, Section 16 of the MN Constitution. In 2023, transgender persons were added as a protected class in MN statute but without being included in the religious exemption clause.  Three times this session, the DFL have refused to make the change. 

Contact information:  Call, text, email, or send a letter to your own elected officials.  Find your elected officials:   Just enter your home address and the information will be provided.   


Also contact the elected leaders at the Legislature. 


House Speaker Melissa Hortman: (651) 296-4280, 

Senate Majority Leader Erin Murphy: (651) 297-8065, 

House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth: (651) 296-4373, 

Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson: (651) 296-5782, 

Governor Walz: ((651) 201-3400, 


Sample Email 

RE: MHRA 363A “Minnesota Human Rights Act” 

Month, day, year 

The Honorable ____________ ______________ 

Dear _______________ 

My name is _____________ and I am ____________ (occupation/ registered voter) who resides in ____________ (City or County) 

The Minnesota Human Rights Act passed in 2023 does not carry a religious exemption for the hiring practices for religious institutions; thus, it forces religious employers to go against their conscience or else face consequences in terms of fines or other legal implications. It is the opposite of good governance to claim with one hand that freedoms and rights have been granted to one group and to trample down the rights and freedoms of others with the other hand. 

This statute moves the pain around to other groups under the name of “justice.” This is reverse discrimination, not human rights. 

Please enact an amendment to move the "persons who identify other than their biological gender" to the religious exemption clause that is already recognized by MN statutes to guarantee the fundamental right of every citizen to live according to their religious tenets without fear of punishment or retribution as individuals or as part of religious organization. 


Your Name 

Your Address 

Your phone number / email 

Your legislative district 


#2 issue—Human Rights Amendment 

Explanation: In 2023 MN became the most liberal state for abortion—permitting abortion even after birth by providing "care" for the newborn (not necessarily life-sustaining care); nullifying the need to provide the names of minors seeking an abortion to parents; not allowing a waiting period for the abortion; not providing pregnant mothers with alternative options to abortion; providing abortions to all (including minors) coming from states with restrictive abortion laws.  This year, the DFL seek to enshrine their progressive stand in the Constitution...laws can be changed with just a change of political majorities in St. Paul...constitutional amendments are almost never rescinded.  Therefore, the push is for an Equal Rights Amendment/ 

Contact information: 

Contact information:  Call, text, email, or send a letter to your own elected officials. Find your elected officials:   Just enter your home address and the information will be provided.  


Also contact the elected leaders at the Legislature. 

House Speaker Melissa Hortman: (651) 296-4280, 

Senate Majority Leader Erin Murphy: (651) 297-8065, 

House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth: (651) 296-4373, 

Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson: (651) 296-5782, 

Governor Walz: ((651) 201-3400, 



Sample Email 

RE: Minnesota State ERA    SF37, HF173 

Month, day, year 

The Honorable ____________ ______________ 

Dear _______________ 

My name is _____________ and I am ____________ (occupation/ registered voter) who resides in ____________ (City or County) 

I strongly oppose the Equal Rights Amendment. It would make it a constitutional right for an abortion to occur well past the time that the child should be considered to be alive, to past the time that the vast majority of people would consider the child to be alive, even to the time where a child could survive outside of the womb on their own, going even up to birth. 

This does not uplift women or their healthcare in any way. Females will be aborted right alongside males. 

The amendment improves nothing about the needs of women before, during, or after pregnancy. Instead, please encourage and search for policies that support women who are pregnant, and reinstate the policies that were removed in 2023. This would be a path that strengthens women, families, and, ultimately, the state for the long term. 

Please, on behalf of the millions of Minnesotans who cherish their religious freedoms vote against the Equal Rights Amendment. 



Your Name 

Your Address 

Your phone number / email 

-Pastor Zach


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This website is for the congregations of the St. Cloud Circuit of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. This is a resource we are happy to provide, and we pray it helps us walk together.  


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© 2023 by St. Cloud Circuit, LCMS

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